• Vivekananda Mission
    High School (Senior Secondary)
    School Code : 15748, Aff. No. : 2430070
    With the aim of imparting sound education to boys and girls of all communities, following C.B.S.E. syllabus in English Medium from nursery to XII level, V.M.H. School is pleased to represent the guardians this prospectus.
    Mandatory Public Disclosure

Welcome To
Vivekananda Mission High School

The Imperative character of education for individual growth and a social development is now accepted by every one. Investment in the education of its youth is considered most vital by all modern nations. Such, an investment in the education understandably acquires top priority in developing country. Education, in one sense or another appears to be a human race, though in course of time its meaning and objective have inevitably undergone certain changes. Such a view of education will include all of life experiences. In the technical sense however, education refers to the process by which society through its different institution deliberately transmits cultural heritage to its young, its accumulated values, knowledge and skill from one generation to another.

Special Education
Full Day Session
Pre Classes
Qualified Teachers

Our Mission

  • Focus on Quality.
  • Provide the best conductive ambience where every student will enjoy.
  • Learn in a sefe and secure environment.
  • Ensure rigorous academic program.
  • Promote communal harmony and secular approach.
  • Inculcate in every student the respect of human dignity.

Our Vission

  • Every child has a right to learn with joy and confidence.
  • All children have varying capabilities.
  • Children learn better from facilitative teaching.
  • The first principle of true teaching is that teacher is not an instructor or a lecturer, he is a helper or facilitator and a guide.

Meet Our Committee

A committee is a group of people who individually can do nothing, but who, as a group, can meet and decide that nothing can be done.

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While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.

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