Affiliated to CBSE (Affiliation No-2430070) School Code- 15748
- Affiliation number : 2430070
- School code : 15748.
- Total numbers of sites of school 4
- Total number of building block 04
- Total area of a school in square metres – 11925.
- Total number of playgrounds 07
- Total area of playground in square metre- 6275
- Total number of rooms 85
- Total number of small size room 06
- Total number of medium sized room 57
- Total number of large size room 30
- Total number of male rest room 02
- Total number of female rest room 2
- Total number of boys toilet 14
- Total Number of girls toilet 13
- Number of toilets for differently abled person 02
- Number of washroom for female staff 4
- Number of washroom for male staff 7
- Total number of libraries 02
- Total number of Laboratories 10
- Total number of student canteen 02
- Total number of staff canteen 02
- Number of water purifiers /ROs 17
- Number of auditoriums 03
- Number of digital classroom 07
- Number of lift / Elevator 0
- Does the school have hostel facility Yes
- Does the school have Guards employed for safety Yes
- Does the school have Fire extinguisher Yes
- Does the school have sprinkles Yes
- Does the School has cctv cameras installed Yes
- Does the school have web server Yes
- Is the school examination centre of CBSE Yes
- Total number of computers in all computer lab 50
- Does school have web servers Yes
- Does the school have a boundary wall Yes
- Is your school barrier free / has RAMPS Yes
- Does school have clinic facility Yes
- Does the school have a strong room Yes
- Does the school have a Gymnasium Yes
- Is your school Wi-Fi enabled Yes
- Provision of web based learning program Yes
- Does the school have fire alarm Yes
- Does the school have sports facility yes
- Does the school have indoor games facility yes
- Does the school have a swimming pool No
- Does the school have Dance music facility yes
- Total number of Buses 16
- Total number of buses hired 0
- Total number of Vans / matadors 18
- Total number of drivers 36
- Number of female attended for bust duty 18
- Number of activity room 05